Conyers is gone—will 'H.R. 40' be gone, too? (op-ed)
1989 U.S. Representative John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.) introduced H.R.
40: The Commission to Study and Develop Reparations Proposals for
African-Americans Act. H.R. 40 wasn’t legislation to redress any
grievance. The bill requested appropriations for a study so its
findings could start a national dialogue.
the decade of the 90’s H.R. 40 wasn’t mentioned by mainstream
black leaders, but in 2000 “reparations for slavery” became a
controversial topic due to Randall Robinson’s new book, The Debt:
What America Owes to Blacks. (Notice: The controversy was over the
concept of “reparations for slavery” not H.R. 40.) Robinson
wrote, “Our society must first be brought to a consensus that it
wants to close the socioeconomic gap between the races. It must
accept that the gap derives from the social depredations of slavery.
Once and for all, America must … Accept full responsibility for the
hardships it has occasioned for so many.”
many whites wanted to know why they had to pay for an injustice they
didn’t inflict. Robinson stated it was moral justice. This
response seemed based on the assumption that the question was
motivated by unconscious racism, but what if it was a serious inquiry
concerning jurisprudence?
of all, no citizen of a modern state is opposed to reparations. The
idea that the perpetrator of an injustice should pay the victim for
damages is a well established legal principle dating back to ancient
times. But “reparations for slavery” is a different
proposition. It redefines the traditional principle. It extents
guilt to and demands payment from the descendants of perpetrators,
who committed no crime, to compensate the descendants of the victims,
who were never enslaved.
whites weren’t asking because they didn’t grasp the morality of
the issue. (Moral support doesn’t cost.) They asked because they
needed the redefining of reparations explained. That’s a
legitimate concern that proponents for reparations have failed to
address beyond moral grandstanding.
for another decade Rep. John Conyers reintroduced H.R. 40 to congress
and the legislation was never enacted. But in 2014 the topic of
“reparations for slavery” was reintroduced to the public by
Ta-Nehisi Coates in a celebrated article called, The Case for
Reparations: Two hundred fifty years of slavery. Ninety years of Jim
Crow. Sixty years of separate but equal. Thirty-five years of
racist housing policy. Until we reckon with our compounding moral
debts America will never be whole.
and Robinson are from different generations but the questions from
whites concerning payment and principle are the same.
in 2017 Coates address an audience at Harvard University. Coates
stated during his many speaking engagements there’s always a white
person in the crowd that says he or she has roots in the south and
their great, great, great, so and so didn’t own any slaves, and
these whites wanted to know why they should be held responsible.
Coates stated he repeats time and time again to these whites that it
may be true that their great, great, great so and so didn’t own any
slaves but they wanted to.
again a legitimate concern is not addressed, and if the questions
were asked in good faith Coates lost the opportunity to make a
serious case for reparations. And to make matters worse, recently
Rep. John Conyers announced his resignation from office because of
allegations of sexual harassment.
Conyers reintroduced H.R. 40 to every Congress from 1989 to 2017. So
after 2017 will a colleague of Conyers continue to reintroduce H.R.
40 to congress, and if so who will take it seriously?
published in the New Pittsburgh Courier 12/20/17
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