Was Obama’s last action the politics of embarrassment? (op-ed)
Vidal once said we live in the United States of amnesia.
test that theory.
you remember this 2013 headline: Obama knew of NSA spying on Merkel
and approved of it?
Merkel is the German Chancellor.
German government discovered America’s National Security Agency was
intercepting her cell phone conversations. Of course, the German
Chancellor was livid and demanded an explanation from American
officials. But the Obama administration had a difficult time making a
creditable case for their activities.
you didn’t remember that headline how about this one from 2014:
Germany orders CIA station chief to leave over spying allegations?
form of retaliation is usually conducted between espionage
adversaries such as the United States and Russia. A CIA expert said,
“The Germans must feel compelled to do this for political reasons,
because there are ways to convey one’s displeasure without taking
this kind of overt step.”
intelligence expert said, “The reality is that every country should
operate on the basis that it is being spied upon … The German
government needs to tone down the volume. We are a family of nations
in the west and when things go wrong, you work them out like good
families -- within the family.”
sounds like this expert fears the German Chancellor has unnecessarily
engaged in the politics of embarrassment. This could change the
collective countering of enemy intelligence into a western family
feud leading to a disastrous game of counter-embarrassment.
here’s a 2015 headline you might not remember, but German
journalist will not forget: Obama administration spied on German
media as well as its government.
neither denied or confirmed any fact related to this story.
one German newspaper was more upset with the German government. They
stated, “It’s becoming increasingly clear that representatives of
the German government at best looked away as the Americans violated
the law, and at worse supported them.”
that information obtained in the original leak concerning the
Chancellor’s calls or was this counter-embarrassment?
course a German journalist stated he's disappointed with the
Americans because spying on the press is something expected in
authoritarian states like Russia.
do you remember this headline a month before the 2016 presidential
election: U.S. officially accuses Russians of hacking DNC and
interfering with election?
report said Hillary Clinton and U.S. officials have blamed Russian
hackers for stealing more than 19,000 emails from Democratic Party
officials, but the same report said U.S. intelligence and the Obama
administration had concluded over the summer that Russian hackers
were responsible. If they were certain in the summer why didn’t
they retaliate to prevent any further interference with the general
did nothing, once again, to their embarrassment.
Donald Trump won the presidency.
Obama announced to a stunned nation he would follow the example of
President Bush and conduct a professional and peaceful transition.
But the Russian hacker story resurfaced as a contribution to the
Democratic Party’s loss. President-elect Trump dismissed the
claims and gloated that the Democrats were embarrassed by their
defeat and were making outlandish excuses.
do you remember the first critical headline concerning
President-elect Trump? He decided not to have daily intelligence
briefings which might have reminded President Obama of his previous
espionage embarrassments and viewed it as a slight towards his
transition team.
weeks before President-elect Trump’s inauguration this headline
appeared: Obama kicks out Russian diplomats in hacking
Obama promised a peaceful transfer of power. Did he break this last
promise because it was an unavoidable matter of national security or
was it a farewell act of counter-embarrassment?
President Vladimir Putin condemned the United States for imposing
sanctions and expelling Russian diplomats, but said no U.S. diplomat
will be ousted in reprisal. Putin stated he will not stoop to
President Obama’s level.
Obama could have made a simple recommendation of retaliation and left
the decision to the next president, because nothing is more
embarrassing than when an ex-KGB agent announces he will not stoop to
the level of the exiting “leader of the free world”.
published in the New Pittsburgh Courier 1/11/17
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