No vaccine for racism? (op-ed)
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Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash |
Sen. Kamala Harris accepted the nomination for the vice-presidency at the
Democratic National Convention, she made it clear to the American people there
was no vaccine for racism – We have to do the work.
a fact, besides what parent would allow their child to be injected with racism
to develop an immunity, but after the mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, where
Latino’s were targeted, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stated, white supremacy
was a virus, and America has not been inoculated. This
implies a vaccination process is possible. Jennifer
Harvey wrote the book Raising White Kids: Bringing up children in a racially
unjust America and the article: How not to raise a racist white kid. In the
article Harvey stated, no previous white generation handed down the kinds of
lessons that previous black generations passed on to their youth about race.
(Harvey doesn’t give an example of a generational lesson that blacks passed
down. It’s implied that black people taught their children white people are racist
and America is a racist country.) Black
people know, and study after study back it up, that there’s no such thing as
too early when it comes to talking with our kids about race and racism. And
we can’t get to the antiracism part if we don’t interrupt patterns of white
silence. (Or we can’t create antiracist white children if we don’t inject them
with racism.) Harvey
stated most white parents today were socialized in white silence and passed it
on to their kids. White silence is a
kind of race talk in a nation that is at once very diverse, deeply segregated
and structurally organized as a white racial hierarchy, and silence has many
forms. Sometimes it sounds like
“everybody is equal” and sometimes white parents tell their children to be
colorblind. What’s
wrong with equality and colorblindness? Antiracist
philosophy teaches equity instead of equality.
Non-whites want to be treated fairly, but whites believe non-whites want
to be equal to them making their promotion of equality patronizing regardless
of their sincerity. Colorblindness is
when whites teach their children not to see race in order to reject racism, but
antiracist philosophy states teaching white children to be colorblind makes
them reject non-white culture and invalidates the experiences of people of
color in a racist society. (This is a strong argument against a literal
interpretation of colorblind, but colorblindness was always taught in a
figurative fashion.) According to antiracist philosophy, phrases like “all men
are created equal” and “people should be judged by the content of their
character, not the color of their skin” are not proper concepts to teach and
could be considered racist. Harvey
inquired: What happens when white families fail to engage in race-conscious
anti-racist parenting? The racist
culture in which all of our lives are embedded teaches white youth. Then Harvey quoted Ibram X. Kendi, author of
How to Be an Antiracist, there’s no such thing as non-racist in a world of
racism, one is either racist or antiracist. Now
the question is, will this antiracist philosophy produce its objective, or will
it be counterproductive? First published in the New Pittsburgh Courier 9/2/2020 |
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