
Showing posts from 2020

Black Education Tragedy & Fraudulent Diplomas (op-ed)

Police reform: Between the baton and the bullet (op-ed)

President-elect Biden’s “unrelenting” commitment to diversity? (op-ed)

Presidential nominees and Twitter: Descending from ideas to insults (op-ed)

Cabinet positions, cover-ups, and confronting disparities (op-ed)

VIP: Versions of Identity Politics featuring the VP-elect (op-ed)

Black Democratic defectors: Trump or Trend? (op-ed)

A tale of third parties in the last two presidential elections (op-ed)

Black familial pleas for peace: A mural in words (op-ed)

Biden can’t win, even if he wins (op-ed)

After Nov. 3, Americans will wish for Camelot campaigns

The 1619 Cover-up: Did the 1619 Project cover-up a major legal precedent to avoid blaming the victim?